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Grape - 'Canadice' Grape

The 'Canadice' variety stands up to cold winters and sub-zero temperatures and is one of the hardiest of seedless red grapes. It ripens earlier than most in late August and stores well. The flavor is described as somewhat spicy and when fully ripe are firm but not tough with a pleasant tang. Plants have good wintertime tolerance, early maturity, and disease resistance, making this a popular choice for gardeners and commercial growers alike. White flowers will produce their tender-skinned, medium-sized, light red colored fruit even with only one plant (self-pollinating). Good for snacking, making jelly, or wine.

Grape - 'Canadice' Grape

Hardy in zones 5a-8b (some suppliers claim it is hardy in zone 4 as well). Like other fruiting plants, grapes require full sun. 'Canadice' grows best in clay, loamy, or sandy soil. Expected yield is 20–40 lbs per plant per year under ideal conditions. Each plant will require a 12' diameter area. Note that seedless grape varieties do in fact possess seeds; however, the hard outer seed shell never forms, which means they can be easily consumed. Grape vines are perennial and in general can reach heights of up to 30′, preferring a trellis for climbing. For best productivity, they require regular care, including annual pruning and consistent watering in their first year.

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