Spruce, Colorado Blue (PICEA PUNGENS) - 'FASTIGIATA'
A popular cultivar of the Colorado Blue Spruce due to it's columnar nature and tidy, tight habit, 'Fastigiata' is a narrow, upright tree with stiff bright blue needles. It adds vertical interest to the landscape and incredible blue color making this narrow selection the ideal accent or focal point where space is a consideration. Although it will broaden at the base with age, it will maintain it's tight, upright form that can also be sheared if needed. Since it will not grow as tall as the species, nor as wide, it is the perfect choice for planting in a smaller area.

Although several different nurseries indicate different sizes of this specimen, most agree that 'Fastigiata' will reach 20-30' in height and 6-10 feet in width. Our supplier says it should reach 30 feet tall and 10 feet wide under ideal conditions. Rated by the USDA Hardiness scale at zone 3, 'Fastigiata' is cold hardy and tough. Colorado Blue Spruces are listed as a selection in the University of Wyoming "Conservation Trees & Shrubs For Wyoming" guide. It has a moderate growth rate of 6-12 inches per year and needs full sun and well-drained soil. In general, Colorado Blue Spruces can be susceptible to needle cast, canker, and rust. Aphids (particularly spruce gall aphids), scale, budworms, and bagworms can also be an issue. Spider mite invasions can cause significant problems with new growth and overall tree health.