Juniper trees have unique 'needle-leaves' that separate their appearance both from Spruces and Pines. 'Spartan' Juniper has dense branches, a handsome pyramidal shape, and rich green foliage that keeps it's color year round. It is an excellent choice for a windbreak or screen. This hardy, low-maintenance, versatile tree creates a dense, lush privacy screen in groups or can be planted alone as a specimen tree. 'Spartan' has a handsome shape, but can also be clipped into a stunning spiral topiary and it's size is perfect for compact yards or small spaces. Junipers can thrive in harsh climate conditions and survive both drought and cold.

This lovely tree grows to be around 15-20' tall with a narrow spread of 5-6' wide. 'Spartan' is hardy in Zones 4-9. It requires full sun to partial shade and is highly adaptable to soil, able to withstand salt and many different soil conditions including heavy clay. 'Spartan' does need well-drained soil, but prefers moist and acidic soil. Although pruning is not required to retain it's columnar shape, 'Spartan' can be shaped as desired and makes excellent topiaries and if you decide to clip them, do so in the summer.
'Spartan' Junipers require very little water, but should be watered two to three times per week for the first month after being planted. Continue to monitor throughout the first year by using a trowel to uncover the first two or three inches of soil and checking moisture levels. Once established for a year, fertilize once in early spring (around April) and again in late summer (September) with a slow-release granular fertilizer with an NPK of 16-4-8 or 12-4-8. Junipers can be used in xeriscaping for water wise plantings. For privacy screens, plant 'Spartan' five feet apart, or three feet apart for a solid wall. Another option is to plant two rows three feet apart from one another, staggering the Spartan junipers every four feet.